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Tai Chi: Meditation in Motion

1-on-1 Private Class / Group Class (4-6 pax)

  • 1 小 30 分鐘
  • 500 Hong Kong dollars


This course is personally guided by professional instructors with many years of Tai Chi teaching experience. They are the coaches of Yongnian Taijiquan Club and the coaches awarded by Tai Chi Zen Company with professional coaching certificates. This spiritual mediation in motion Tai Chi assimilates the rotation of heavenly stars and galaxy. It stimulates and aligns the energy from the base of the spine (root chakra) to the crown of the head. (crown chakra) . It is an effective form of moving meditation to release energetic blockages, grounding and empowering your own personal growth or healing process. Benefits of Tai Chi: - Decreased stress, anxiety and depression. - Increased energy and stamina. - Enhanced body flexibility, balance and agility. - Improved muscle strength and definition. Min Xi Tang is committed to organising and promoting Chinese cultural activities, hoping to let the general public understand the meaning and connotation of traditional Chinese culture, promote social civilisation, and create a happy and healthy lifestyle. Location: Wong Chuk Hang, Aberdeen, Hong Kong For 1 to 1 Private Session inquiries, please contact / Whatsapp +852 9841 8969. 課程是由多年教學經驗的專業導師親自指導,他們分別是永年太極拳社的教練,太極禪公司頒發專業教練證的教練。 太極拳本身又不只是純粹的體術,而是一種講求身心靈平衡,同時修煉身心靈,追求神妙高明境界的武術。它刺激並調整從脊柱根部(海底輪)到頭頂的能量。 (頂輪)。這是一種有效的冥想方式,可以釋放能量障礙,打下基礎並增強您的個人成長或康復過程。 太極拳的好處: -減輕壓力,焦慮和沮喪 -增加精力和耐力 -增強了身體的柔韌性,平衡性和敏捷性 -改善肌肉力量和清晰度 旻禧堂致力舉辦及推廣中國文化活動,希望能讓普羅大眾瞭解傳統中國文化的意義及內涵,促進社會文明,打造健康快樂模式。 地址: 香港島南區黃竹坑 如有興趣報名私人太極班,請電郵 / Whatsapp +852 9841 8969 Terms and Conditions: 1. Please contact for further information. 2. KOSMIC reserves the right to amend the terms and conditions of this booking service without notice. 3. KOSMIC reserves the right of the final decision in case of any dispute.


We will be unable to provide the full services and reserve the right from your purchased service under the following circumstances: (a) When KOSMIC Group Ltd. have already completed your service as scheduled. (b) If you fail to contact KOSMIC Group Ltd where you have reserved your service session 4 hours in advance of your scheduled appointment to cancel or re-schedule (if the time frame falls out of the business hours of KOSMIC Group Ltd, this term would apply to the working day preceding the day of the scheduled appointment). (c) You fail to show up at the time of your scheduled appointment; (d) You fail to show up at the assigned service meeting point within the first 30 minutes of your scheduled appointment;

Please contact us via Instagram or email

  • +852 98418969

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